2018 IAPAs deadline draws near

IAPAs 2017 Winners

The IPAF Summit and the International Awards for Powered Access (IAPAs) is a perennial highlight of the powered access calendar, and in 2018 the event returns to Miami, hosted at the Hilton Miami Downtown, Florida, US.

Don’t miss out on the access industry’s most important annual celebration, combining great educational and networking opportunities, with the traditional IPAF networking event on the eve of the conference on 7 March, the Summit and IAPAs gala dinner on 8 March, and fascinating site visits on the morning of 9 March.

Tim Whiteman, CEO of IPAF, says: “Last year’s events in London were the best-attended IPAF Summit and IAPAs ever, so we’re hoping for another strong showing in Miami next March. The conference and networking sessions are an invaluable opportunity for anyone with an interest in the powered access sector to learn more about training, safety and technical innovation and gain economic insights into the state of our industry, so I urge you to save the date now.

“The IAPAs are also the leading accolades in the industry and competition is always high; nominations for the various categories are open now and so anyone who feels they are making a significant or innovative contribution in the powered access realm to consider putting themselves forward. It’s a unique opportunity for our industry to really celebrate the very best practitioners and the awards ceremony is always great fun!”

To find out about the categories for 2018 and to access the entry forms, please visit www.iapa-summit.info


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