IPAF的会员资格包括可享用下面详述的一系列服务、福利和特别优惠。如果您有与您的产品或服务相关的独家报价拟与IPAF会员分享,请联系 marketing@ipaf.org(请注意,您必须是 IPAF 会员)。
Lobbying and Representation
IPAF makes representations to relevant authorities on issues of concern to members.
IPAF Experts
IPAF staff collectively have more than 300 years of industry experience from around the world. That expertise is at our members’ disposal.
Technical Hotline
IPAF members needing advice on matters ranging from risk assessment to platform use and accident procedures can call IPAF head office or an IPAF country representative.
Members-Only Area
IPAF members can access the members-only area of the website, which holds meeting minutes, presentations and useful guides.
Hire Terms & Conditions
IPAF terms & conditions of hire are available free to members for their exclusive use.
Monitoring Regulations and Developments
IPAF actively participates in many committees around the world, such as EN 280, ISO, FEM, ANSI standards committees, and the British standards committees BS 8454 and BS 8460. It also represents members in discussions with organisations such as the American Rental Association (ARA), the European Rental Association (ERA) and the Scaffold & Access Industry Association (SAIA).
IPAF Sponsorship Opportunities & Magazine Advertising
IPAF members are given priority for IPAF event sponsorship opportunities and magazine advertising.
Various events are offered at a discounted rate for members, including Europlatform, TABS, the IPAF Asia Conference, regional meetings and more.
请注意,IPAF 会员服务、福利和特别优惠可能无法在所有国家和/或所有语言中提供。它们也可能随时被取消或无法使用,恕不另行通知。