IPAF appoints first ever global MCWP market rep


A dedicated representative for the global Mast Climbing Work Platform (MCWP) market has been appointed by the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF), in a new role created by the organisation to reflect the growth and influence of its MCWP membership base and activities.

Angel Ibañez will take up the newly created position of Global Representative for MCWPs and Related Products this month [September 2017] and will be based in Zaragoza, Spain. He will be in charge of developing IPAF’s membership services offer and training programme for MCWPs. He calls upon considerable expertise, with more than a decade as Sales Manager for SALTEC in Spain and latterly several years as an independent consultant in the sector advising commercial clients and industry bodies in Europe and Asia, with a focus on developing and adapting industry standards.

Angel is fluent in both Spanish and English and will report to Romina Vanzi, Head of Regional Development & MCWPs, who is based in IPAF’s office in Basel, Switzerland. Romina says: “IPAF is determined to bolster its presence and influence in the MCWP industry, and our existing members have been very keen to see additional benefits and services tailored specifically for the MCWP market, so we have decided to appoint a dedicated representative to better serve our MCWP members and stakeholders.”

Tim Whiteman, CEO of IPAF, adds: “The aim our new dedicated rep is to replicate the broad range of technical expertise, training development and business support IPAF offers to MEWP stakeholders for their counterparts operating in the MCWP sector.

“Our first priority will be to devise a specific safety campaign for this equipment, along with the development of a hoist operator course, which has been much requested, especially in markets outside the UK. As a global representative, Angel will support IPAF staff worldwide when it comes to helping the MCWP industry in their region. We are pleased to confirm his appointment and wish him a very warm welcome.”

Angel Ibañez comments: “It’s a pleasure and an honour for me to join IPAF as global rep for the MCWP and hoist industry. The main targets for me will be to contribute to provide the existing MCWP members with a quality service, while growing IPAF’s membership and influence in the sector, promoting the safe and effective use of MCWPs worldwide. I’ll put all my experience, commitment and passion into this project, to ensure IPAF’s MCWP members’ voices are heard and their needs are met.”


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