The IPAF MEWP Safety & Standards Conference is taking place on 16 May 2019 at the Changsha International Construction Machinery Exhibition (15-18 May). Hear from a range of speakers on international manufacturing and safety standards. Leading industry experts from Europe and America share the latest activity on the standards that shape MEWPs. With simultaneous translation into English and Chinese / 配备如下几种语言的同声翻译:中文 / 英文.
16 May 2019
Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center, Changsha, China
Join Tony Groat, IPAF's Development Manager for North America, for this free webinar on developing a MEWP specific safe use program. Registration required.
24 April 2019, 10:00 (central US time) / 11:00 (eastern)
Taking place during the Bauma show, Room Konferenzraum C42, (North side of Hall C4)
The Health & Safety Event
IPAF will be represented on all three days of the show and will attend as a member of the Access Industry Forum (AIF). You can talk to an IPAF representative on AIF’s stand number N40.
압착 사고는 사망으로 이어질 수 있습니다 - 생존을 위해서는 방심하지 마십시오
고소작업대 (MEWP)는 종종 작업대 탑승자가 압착 또는 갇힘 위험이 있는 구역에서 작업을 수행하기도 합니다. 고소작업대(MEWP)와 관련된 모든 활동은 계획되고 적절하게 관리되어야 합니다. 그렇게 하지 않으면 작업대 탑승자가 상해를 입거나 사망할 수 있습니다.