Crushing Can Kill! - Stay Alert, Stay Alive

Crushing can Kill image

Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) pose significant risks of crushing or entrapment to platform occupants. Failure to plan and manage activities involving MEWPs can result in severe injuries or fatalities.

  • Crushing or entrapment can occur when MEWPs are in BOTH the elevated, and the stowed position.
  • LOOK UP! before elevating the platform.
  • LOOK AROUND! before moving the platform.
  • LOOK DOWN! before lowering the platform.
  • Identify potential entrapment / crushing hazards and ensure a thorough risk assessment has been completed.
  • Develop a comprehensive Safe System of Work (SSoW) and ensure all personnel are familiar with it.
  • Train operators and other personnel on the safe use of MEWPs and provide specific familiarisation with the equipment being used.
  • Establish a Rescue Plan outlining procedures for responding to crushing or entrapment incidents.
  • Practice and rehearse the rescue plan, so that all persons involved now what to do in the event of an entrapment incident.
  • Supervise MEWP activities closely to mitigate risks, halting operations immediately if crushing hazards are identified.
  • Avoid sole reliance on secondary guarding mechanisms; maintain vigilance of surroundings at all times.
  • Exercise caution when using the MEWP in Pedestrian Control mode.