This video shows the reconstruction of a real incident that occurred early in the morning at Horizon Platform's MEWP rental yard in March 2021, in the UK. It demonstrates how easily accidents can happen when loading or unloading Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) onto delivery vehicles.
This Toolbox Talk provides information on the associated hazards and risks involved with mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) working near railways and crossing active and non-active rail crossings.
Identify key changes to terminology and definitions, requirements for owners and operators, guidance and requirements on risk assessments, equipment familiarization and requirements for operator and supervisor/manager training that will affect all manufacturers, dealers, owners and users of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly referred to as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs), in North America.
Identify key changes to terminology and definitions, requirements for owners and operators, guidance and requirements on risk assessments, equipment familiarization and requirements for operator and supervisor/manager training that will affect all manufacturers, dealers, owners and users of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly referred to as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs), in North America.
Identify key changes to terminology and definitions, requirements for owners and operators, guidance and requirements on risk assessments, equipment familiarization and requirements for operator and supervisor/manager training that will affect all manufacturers, dealers, owners and users of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly referred to as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs), in North America.
Information on, and links to, the Canadian regulations and standards for Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formally known as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs).
Information on, and links to, the United States regulations and standards for Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formally known as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs).
A selection of 3D virtual Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) and Mast Climbing Work Platforms (MCWPs) is now available for use in Building Information Modelling (BIM).
Are you trained to use this equipment? If not, you should be! Ask your rental company about IPAF training.
Added 1 Jul 2018
Last updated
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British Standards Online
The British Standards Online (BSOL) is a comprehensive online standards library with over 90,000 internationally recognised standards. IPAF members have access to search and browse the library and full read access to a collection of specific MEWP and MCWP standards.
Added 1 Jun 2018
Last updated
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Accident Data Summary Reports
IPAF’s accident reporting project, launched in 2012, is compiling a comprehensive record of known accidents. The accident data gathered enables IPAF to improve the content of training programmes, develop technical guidance, target specific high-risk professions or activities, and provide research findings to bodies developing and drafting new industry standards.
Added 21 Mar 2018
Last updated 21 Mar 2018
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This resource is for members only.
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IPAF Member Logos
This IPAF logo is for use by members to show affiliation with IPAF. It can be used on a wide range of members' material such as letterheads, websites and advertisements.
The mounting or re-mounting of a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) onto a new or different vehicle chassis to the original chassis as sold by the MEWP manufacturer is a specialist job requiring both in-depth engineering knowledge and the technical specifications for the MEWP to be mounted.
Mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) are specifically designed to lift people to a position where they can work at height safely within the platform. MEWPs are not designed to transfer people from one level to another, or for people to exit the platform at height.
Raising the Standard is the IPAF bulletin. It is published twice a year and carries news of particular interest to IPAF members, such as developments in legislation and technical standards, and new member services.
When working from a boom type Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP), it is strongly recommended that a lanyard short enough for the wearer to be restrained within the platform be used. The lanyard may contain an energy absorbing device, provided it is short enough to restrain the wearer within the platform. This includes Static Booms (1b) and Mobile Booms (3b).
Guidance on how members of the UK Contractors Group (UKCG) should manage the use of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) on their sites. First issued by the UKCG in January 2014, with input from IPAF and the Strategic Forum for Construction Plant Safety Group.
The IPAF Operators’ Safety Guide for Mobile Elevating Work Platforms is a pocket-size publication that sets out the recommended working practices for the safe operation of MEWPs over a wide range of applications, from initial checks, through transport and positioning on site, to carrying out the required tasks.
Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) are often used to carry out work in areas where there are risks of crushing or entrapment to the platform occupants. Any activity involving MEWPs must be planned and properly managed. Failure to do so can result in injury or death of the platform occupants.