Women in the Workplace

Added 1 Jun 2023
Last updated

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As part of its Women in Powered Access Initiative, IPAF aims to provide information and resources to members to promote and encourage diversity and inclusion in the industry .Below is a list of resources such as articles, policy templates and links to useful training resources for you and your company to access.

In 2022, the theme for International Women's Day was #BreakTheBias which spotlighted the challenges women continue to face in the journey to equity. LinkedIn produced a PDF packed full of resources, guidance and articles in several languages. View the document here.

Gender Equality and Gender Pay

This section provides articles, factsheets and policies on equality in the workplace, exploring the issues that employers face when dealing with sex discrimination and how the gender pay gap varies by sector and employer size.  

Gender pay gap reporting: Where's the story? Charles Cotton, the CIPD's Senior Policy Adviser on performance and reward, looks at how the gender pay gap varies by sector and employer size, and asks why more employers aren’t being open about their pay practices. Source: CIPD, April 2023

Gender equality at work Explore the CIPD’s point of view on apprenticeships and investment in training, including recommendations for both Government and employers. Source: CIPD, April 2023. 

Sex discrimination and employment CIPD explores the UK legal position and main issues employers face when dealing with sex discrimination in the workplace. Source: CIPD, September 2021.

Acas equality information report Acas report on the progress they've made on equality, diversity and inclusion in their workforce in the year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. Source: ACAS, March 2023.

Acas equality policy template A free-to-use Equality, diversity and inclusion policy template an employer can adapt for their organisation. Source: ACAS, January 2022.

Why women trust their employers less than men do "Why aren’t employers’ efforts to create a more transparent and equitable workplace translating into greater trust for women?" Source: Harvard Business Review, April 2023.

3 strategies to help women of color navigate biases at work. Harvard Business Review "describes a few of the obstacles women of color experience at work and presents tips for addressing them." Source: Harvard Business Review, December 2022

LinkedIn Learning Videos How to be more inclusive  Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for All


How to recruit more more women to your company "The data revealed several recruiting strategies that can help companies bring in more women today, such as making job posting more inclusive, and attract more female candidates in the future, such as expanding your early-in-career talent funnel to focus on recruiting from a broader set of schools and organizations." Source: Harvard Business Review, November 2019. 

"Share stories of women who are succeeding across all levels of your organization. Our Gender Insights Report found that both women and men are equally likely to visit a company’s LinkedIn page and research a company’s culture prior to applying for a job. When women see themselves represented in your firm’s recruiting collateral, they’re more likely to apply." Source: Harvard Business Review, November 2019. 

Recruitment: hiring someoneThere are no set processes that are required by law. But employers must follow a fair process and certain laws that apply throughout the whole recruitment process. Source: ACAS, April 2023

Making recruitment inclusive ACAS draws on that experience as a trainer and adviser specialising in diversity and inclusion. Source: ACAS, February 2020

Women in Leadership

Where women's leadership development programs fall short. Source: Harvard Business Review, March 2023.

Women get "nicer feedback - and it holds them back. Source: Harvard Business Review, January 2023.

How women on boards navigate the "warmth competence" line. "having a seat at the table is just the first step; exerting influence around high-stakes decisions is vital, too. To better understand how women board members do this, researchers interviewed 43 women directors at U.S. companies." Source: Harvard Business Review, January 2023. 

How successful women sustain career momentum. Harvard Business review interviewed "They interviewed 37 women in senior leadership roles, identifying three behaviors that helped these women sustain momentum: a focused drive, an incessant desire to learn, and an agile mindset." Source: Harvard Business Review, January 2023. 

Womens health and Menopause

Women will experience menopause symptoms that can be debilitating and have a significant impact on everyday activities and at work.  Workplaces should look to implement a menopause policy (template link) and should be aware of the impact of the menopause and the challenges that women face.

Workplace stigma around menopause is real. "For half the global population, menopause is a natural part of life. It also happens to overlap exactly with the age at which employees are most likely to be qualified to advance into top leadership positions"... "the authors suggest that managers must normalize the open discussion of menopause (since many women are afraid to mention such a stigmatized topic at work), create psychologically safe workplaces that empower everyone to share and ask for support without fear of retribution or discrimination, and proactively ensure that all employees feel supported — not silenced — as they progress through the phases of their careers and lives." Source: Harvard Business Review, December 2022. 

Work-life balance

If you have resources which you think would be beneficial to other IPAF members, or have any specific needs or requirements please feel free to contact IPAF and we will try and provide the appropriate information: marketing@ipaf.org