IPAF secures free access to BSI standards for members

British Standards Online Screenshot

Online access to key British Standards Institute publications are being made available to members of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) free of charge following an agreement brokered between the two organisations.

Richard Whiting, IPAF’s UK General Market Manager, and Paul Roddis, IPAF’s Training Manager, met recently with representatives of the British Standards Institute, and IPAF is now able to offer read-only online access to ten key BSI standards to IPAF members who are logged in to the www.ipaf.org website.

Richard Whiting comments: “IPAF is pleased to offer this important access to members and training centres as a free and additional benefit. This will help UK members confidently provide their customers with the latest information on relevant UK standards and will also help IPAF Training Centres comply with audit requirements. We are pleased the BSI was able to work with IPAF to provide access to key standards online.”

Paul Roddis adds: “This agreement will save IPAF Training Centres a significant outlay to purchase the standards in full, and the agreement we have brokered with BSI comes in response to requests from our members, many of whom contributed to updates to the standards for MEWPs and MCWPs, which were published last autumn.”

Click here to access the standards

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