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  • The webinar introduces IPAF’s new online report for accessing this year’s safety data. The new format is digital-only and enables users to navigate and filter using an interactive screen.

    Added 21 Aug 2024
    Last updated

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  • Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) Pre-Use Inspection Checklist.

    Added 19 Aug 2024
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  • Mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) are considered to be one of safest ways of performing temporary work at height. This technical guidance explores the importance for all MEWPs to be kept in a safe working condition throughout their working life to ensure continued safe and efficient operation over time.

    Added 9 Aug 2024
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    Pre-Use inspection of MEWP

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  • Presentations from the IPAF Asia Conference (17 & 18 July 2019, Intercontinental Hotel, Hangzhou, China).

    Added 26 Jul 2019
    Last updated 30 Jul 2019

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  • Technical Guidance

    F1: Familiarisation

    Before using a MEWP you must be trained to the applicable MEWP classification and be familiarised on the specific machine. Familiarisation is required on any MEWP that is significantly different in weight, height, length or complexity to the MEWP on which training took place. The operator, supervisor, ground person/rescuer, service engineer and demonstrator all need adequate familiarisation to undertake their duties.

    Added 19 Jun 2019
    Last updated 30 Sep 2022

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  • This resource is for members only.
    Please login or consider becoming an IPAF member.


    IPAF MEWP Safety & Standards Conference Presentations

    Presentations from the IPAF MEWP Safety & Standards Conference (16 May 2019 at the Changsha International Construction Machinery Exhibition, China).

    Added 20 May 2019
    Last updated 24 May 2019

    Resource also available in:

  • Workplace

    IPAF Logos

    The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) has a collection of logos that can be used by members and non-members, these are detailed on this page. The official IPAF Logo and logo are registered trademarks and can only be used by IPAF or with prior permission from IPAF. As such they are not available for download.

    Added 1 May 2019
    Last updated

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  • Exhibitions, trade fairs and other such shows can be challenging environments in which to operate Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs). Special consideration is required when displaying or demonstrating at such events.

    Added 18 Apr 2019
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    Resource also available in:

    Exhibition Guidelines
  • The aim of IPAF’s Innovate event 2018 was to address key industry issues with the goal to develop potential solutions to improve the safe and effective use of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly known as AWPs. To enable this, at the event, key industry players worked together in small groups to deliver achievable solutions which could positively impact the issue at hand. This paper provides a summary of each topic.

    Added 5 Feb 2019
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    IPAF INNOVATE 2018 Workshop Results
  • This strategy paper has been created following an industry-wide consultation into new eXtended Reality (XR) technologies including virtual reality (VR) and MEWP simulators. IPAF members worked with IPAF to produce a policy document on how virtual reality systems can be effectively and safely harnessed to train MEWP operators.

    Added 22 Jan 2019
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    IPAF eXtended Reality XR Strategy Paper
  • Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) provide a safe means for people to conduct temporary work at height. When buying a pre-owned MEWP, it must comply to the safety legislation and meet the relevant standards in the location where it will be operating before it can be used. Every MEWP must be supplied in a safe working condition, with all safety devices functional.

    Added 22 Jan 2019
    Last updated 22 Jan 2019

    Resource also available in:

    IPAF Guidance on Buying a Pre-Owned MEWP
  • This symbol is designed to help operators locate the auxiliary lowering controls in the event of an emergency following a machine malfunction.

    Added 1 Jan 2019
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    Auxiliary Controls Decal ST-468-1117-1
  • Spreader pad leaflet, including spider-type (1b) machines, and spreader pad poster.

    Added 21 Dec 2018
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    Spider-type and Spreader Pad Leaflet
  • Directives, Laws & Standards

    User Guidance on CSA B354 Standards

    Identify key changes to terminology and definitions, requirements for owners and operators, guidance and requirements on risk assessments, equipment familiarization and requirements for operator and supervisor/manager training that will affect all manufacturers, dealers, owners and users of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly referred to as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs), in North America.

    Added 28 Nov 2018
    Last updated 13 Feb 2019

    Resource also available in:

  • Directives, Laws & Standards

    Dealer Guidance on CSA B354 Standards

    Identify key changes to terminology and definitions, requirements for owners and operators, guidance and requirements on risk assessments, equipment familiarization and requirements for operator and supervisor/manager training that will affect all manufacturers, dealers, owners and users of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly referred to as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs), in North America.

    Added 28 Nov 2018
    Last updated 13 Feb 2019

    Resource also available in:

  • Directives, Laws & Standards

    User Guidance on ANSI A92 Standards

    Identify key changes to terminology and definitions, requirements for owners and operators, guidance and requirements on risk assessments, equipment familiarization and requirements for operator and supervisor/manager training that will affect all manufacturers, dealers, owners and users of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly referred to as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs), in North America.

    Added 28 Nov 2018
    Last updated 13 Feb 2019

    Resource also available in:

  • Directives, Laws & Standards

    Dealer Guidance on ANSI A92 Standards

    Identify key changes to terminology and definitions, requirements for owners and operators, guidance and requirements on risk assessments, equipment familiarization and requirements for operator and supervisor/manager training that will affect all manufacturers, dealers, owners and users of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formerly referred to as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs), in North America.

    Added 28 Nov 2018
    Last updated 13 Feb 2019

    Resource also available in:

  • Directives, Laws & Standards

    Canada - MEWP Regulations and Standards

    Information on, and links to, the Canadian regulations and standards for Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formally known as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs).

    Added 28 Nov 2018
    Last updated 28 Nov 2018

    Resource also available in:

  • Directives, Laws & Standards

    United States - MEWP Regulations and Standards

    Information on, and links to, the United States regulations and standards for Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), formally known as Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs).

    Added 28 Nov 2018
    Last updated 9 Mar 2022

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  • A selection of 3D virtual Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) and Mast Climbing Work Platforms (MCWPs) is now available for use in Building Information Modelling (BIM).

    Added 1 Sep 2018
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    IPAF MEWP and MCWP BIM models
  • MEWP 1a, 1b, 3a, 3b, MCWP and PAV Category Stickers.

    Added 1 Jul 2018
    Last updated 13 Dec 2019

    Resource also available in:

    Category Stickers
  • This machine is equipped with sensors for overloading and tilt - certain functions will stop when limits are exceeded. Read the operator’s manual.

    Added 1 Jul 2018
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    This machine is equipped with sensors for overloading and tilt
  • Stickers

    Spread the load!

    Spread the load! Spreader plates should always be used with boom-type MEWPs when fully supported on their outriggers.

    Added 1 Jul 2018
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    Spread the load! Spreader plates should always be used with boom-type MEWPs when fully supported on their outriggers.
  • Are you trained to use this equipment? If not, you should be! Ask your rental company about IPAF training.

    Added 1 Jul 2018
    Last updated

    Resource also available in:

    Are you trained to use this equipment?
  • This resource is for members only.
    Please login or consider becoming an IPAF member.


    British Standards Online

    The British Standards Online (BSOL) is a comprehensive online standards library with over 90,000 internationally recognised standards. IPAF members have access to search and browse the library and full read access to a collection of specific MEWP and MCWP standards.

    Added 1 Jun 2018
    Last updated

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