This video shows the reconstruction of a real incident that occurred early in the morning at Horizon Platform's MEWP rental yard in March 2021, in the UK. It demonstrates how easily accidents can happen when loading or unloading Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) onto delivery vehicles.
This Toolbox Talk provides information on the associated hazards and risks involved with mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) working near railways and crossing active and non-active rail crossings.
Is the Nominated Ground Rescue Person familiarised? Not all MEWPs are the same. Make sure you understand, learn and practice the ground controls and emergency lowering procedure.
Working at height is a high-risk activity, take care of your people and be responsible for safety with IPAF's help. IPAF has a range of Andy Access posters, in multiple languages, to help your workforce, covering important mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) and mast climbing work platform (MCWP) safety topics. All to help keep operators safe and prevent accidents.
Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) are often used to carry out work in areas where there are risks of crushing or entrapment to the platform occupants. Any activity involving MEWPs must be planned and properly managed. Failure to do so can result in injury or death of the platform occupants.