MEWPs as overhead anchor points in a fall-protection system

Do not use MEWPs as an Overhead Anchor

MEWPs are designed to lift people so they can conduct temporary work at height safely. Using a MEWP as an overhead anchor is not recommended by IPAF.

There may however be exceptional circumstances in which MEWPs can be used as an overhead anchor point as part of a fall-protection system, for example to assist in the unloading of vehicles.  

Using a MEWP as an overhead anchor as part of a fall-protection system should be considered only after other methods have been shown not to be practicable and a risk assessment demonstrates it is the safest, most effective way to perform the task.

If intending to use a MEWP as an overhead anchor point, users should ensure ALL specific hazards and risks are thoroughly addressed in their safety procedures and training programmes.

Lanyards and karabiners should only be attached to manufacturer-designated anchorage points. Where anchorage points are designed for “restraint only”, they must not be used as overhead anchorage points in fall-arrest systems.

See also: H1: Fall Protection in MEWPs, Use Personal Fall Protection Equipment (PFPE) Toolbox Talk, Do Not Use MEWPs as an overhead anchor leaflet, IPAF operator training courses