CAP Certification Eligibility
How do you score? A minimum of 12 points is required.
Many candidates are already eligible to attend the IPAF Competent Assessed Person (CAP) Training Programme. There are programmes for MEWPs, MCWPs and Construction Hoists (CHs).
Use the table below to see if you have enough points to take the IPAF CAP Training Programme. Please note, the table is for illustrative purposes only. Candidates must contact an IPAF CAP Assessor to discuss their eligibility. The IPAF Cap Assessor will make the final decision on your score.
If you think you have enough points, please contact an IPAF-approved training centre that offers the CAP Training Programme and ask to speak to an IPAF CAP Assessor who will advise you further on your eligibility.
If you currently don’t have enough points and would like advice on how to accrue more, or if you’re unsure if your qualifications or experience are eligible, please contact an IPAF-approved training centre that offers the CAP Training Programme and ask to speak to an IPAF CAP Assessor.
To find IPAF-approved training centres offering the CAP Training Programme, use the Training Centre Locator, selecting 'CAP' from the drop-down training type filter.
IPAF-approved training centres
You must have all three of the following:
- Four years of engineering experience. (e.g. Level 2 Apprenticeship and two years’ experience, or Level 3 Apprenticeship and one year’s experience)
- At least one year’s continuous MEWP / MCWP / HOIST engineering experience immediately prior to taking the CAP Certification Programme.
- 12 points accrued from the following criteria:
Please Note:
- Documentary evidence is required for all qualifications; this includes the submission of candidates’ CVs and certificates.
- In-house training is acceptable only if it has manufacturer approval.
- Only courses where candidates passed are accepted. (Attendance alone is not sufficient).
- Relevant technical training courses may include control systems, basic hydraulics, preventative maintenance, etc.
- Please refer to the IPAF Service Engineer Roadmap for further qualifications
- The IPAF CAP Assessor will decide if the practical experience is relevant and adjust candidates’ scores accordingly.